What Do You Mean?
The title explains itself..... the majority of us have accumulated too much. Sometimes we accumulate too much of the same thing. If Jesus is the most important element of life, it should be easy to give away 2 of the 7 jackets that you have. Do you need 7? How many dish sets do you have? how many unused things just stack up over time and do nothing for us other than take up space(which makes us feel like we need MORE space for MORE things).
What Does This Have To Do With The Kingdom?
Consider for a moment what it would be like to receive the one thing that you could not afford from a person. Imagine if the person who gave them that prayed over the items in their house and determined that they had no need for the fifth and sixth items in this category and felt like God was asking them to give those away. Imagine the moment when the giver learns that the item they prayed over is the exact thing they have been trying to save up for over the last month! Not only have you saved them the trouble of buying one, but now that money can be put to a better use. More than that you can actually point them to God because it was directly tied to your relationship with God. (instead of senselessly giving away your junk, you are prayerfully giving a need to someone)
Looking Like God As You Follow Him
We serve a God who "gives and takes away". If you are in a season where you can give what you have because you do not need it LET IT GO and God will multiply it in someone else's life. someone needs what you have, it only takes a simple willingness to point someone to an almighty God and an eternal salvation through the simple gift of something that you did not even need.
Give this a shot.....
1) Pray- ask god to lead you in the way that you should give, what is it that you are "saving for a rainy day" or telling yourself "I'll get back into that again". Let God show you what you need to give.
2) Pray- Pray over the specific items that God is asking you to Give. Ask where they are supposed to go, and how you are going to give them.
3) Act- don't deliberate for a few days and convince yourself not to, just respond in faith. and give the person what was placed on you to give them.
4) Connect- When you give, do it in a way that Jesus would. Show the person you are giving to the love of God that lead you to do this in the first place. follow up with them after, ask how you can pray or if there are any other needs they have.
5)Give Thanks- Remind yourself of the ways that God has continued to bless you! Then after you gave to others....give to God the thanks for all he is doing INCLUDING the opportunity to bless another person, It's all for His glory.